Political Road Signs

Political Road Signs

Large Political Road Signs get the word out!

Made from durable corrugated plastic (fluted), our political road signs will stand up to inclement weather and outdoor sun for the entire political season. We specialize in 48"x48" & 48"x96" sizes with horizontal flutes, but other sizes are available. Typically printed on one side, you can select from individual spot colors or from vivid full-color prints. Choose from one of our standard templates, or let our art department help create your unique design.  

We encourage you to contact our sales representatives for more information.  Click here to fill out your request and we'll get back to you shortly.



Introducing TOTEM SIGNS

A new offering from Sun Political Signs, these totem signs are perfect for an intersection corner, where you want traffic to view your sign from all directions.

Featuring four 4'w X 2't signs, Totem Signs provide an economical way to be visual to all passer-by's.